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Feng Shui Color Meanings for Home Design

RED:  Acts as a stimulator

ORANGE:  Uplifting color that promotes happiness

YELLOW/GOLD:  Symbolizes power, stimulates health, patience & wisdom

PINK:  Represents love, romance & partnership

GREEN:  Represents growth and new beginnings, as well as healing & freshness

BLUE-GREENS:  Represents youth, new beginnings & inspires confidence

DEEPER BLUES:  Infuses wisdom & introspection

PURPLE:  Inspires spirituality, adventure & prosperity

BLACK:  Contemplative color that encourages reflection & mystery

WHITE:  Cultivates clarity, precision & communication

GRAY:  Invites helpfulness and represents a harmonious union of black & white

BROWN:  Offers stability & security

Room color can influence our moods and our thoughts. This is why it's so important to choose colors wisely when it comes to decorating. 

When you follow this guide, you'll end up with colors that fit just right — they'll help your house work exactly as it should, and make you feel right at home.

"Keep the following in mind as a guide, but always remember to tap into your own mind, body, spirit needs, and goals, as well as your own visceral reaction to each color."

-Laura Benko, holistic Feng Shui expert and author of 
The Holistic Home: Feng Shui Your Mind, Body, Spirit, Space


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