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Showing posts from May, 2017

Questions To Ask At An Open House

Open houses are an excellent way to view a property on a whim. They provide an opportunity to look through the property, and they give buyers a chance to get up close and personal, to glean as much information as they can about the property. If you're on a search for a new home, and you are looking to attend some open houses, here is a list of important questions to ask while there. "What is the neighborhood like?" An experienced agent will know and be able to provide information on the neighborhood if asked, and an open house is a great opportunity to ask. Not only are things like safety of the neighborhood, local schools and amenities important, you can also get information on things only locals will know: how the local traffic is during rush hour (and how noisy it is), if there are any parks nearby, if the community is friendly, etc. Don't be afraid to ask, and if you get a vague answer, it might be worthwhile to ask a neighbor if you get the chance. &qu